Mikkeli International show results


In this dog show we had 3 puppies from Nanas and Baakos 2 different litters. Everyone did great and performed lovely but this time the judge didn't give a BOB-result. I am afraid I have no photo of Indy or Nyyti who both got in open class VG.

Hazebad Alfa Boomer of Baako "Ville" and Milomiss Love Me Tender Elvis "Elvis"
Hazebad Alfa Boomer of Baako "Ville" and Milomiss Love Me Tender Elvis "Elvis"
Milomiss Love Me Tender Elvis "Elvis" Open Class VG
Milomiss Love Me Tender Elvis "Elvis" Open Class VG
Milomiss Action Hero Xena "Martta"
Milomiss Action Hero Xena "Martta"
Milomiss Action Hero Xena "Martta" Intermedia class G.
Milomiss Action Hero Xena "Martta" Intermedia class G.
Kaisa and the boys.
Kaisa and the boys.