Zia - Friesvik's Zia af Zietzke of Yoep

Zia seems to have just a right amount of personality and energy. Zia loves her family the most. Zia likes to use her nose and searching games are her favourite. We are now training nosework in a training group weekly which she loves to do. We have also been on official Nosework tests with great results.
Zia loves to perform and therefore she loves the showrings. She is an easy traveller as long as I am beside her. She is a real stand-by-me dog. Even she has the energy for any activity she loves to cuddle next to you in the evenings and relaxes.
DNA-results: CD - free and VWD1 - carrier
Estonian & Lithuanian Junior Show Champion
Estonian, Lithuanian & Latvian Show Champion
Baltic Show Champion
Latvian Winner 2023
Zia in dogdatabase