Jedi first time duck hunting
Jedi (Mi Biras Atlas) is soon 11 months old and has been this week with his other owner duck hunting as the duck hunting season has started this Monday. The idea was to take a young dog to show it what is hunting about and to get it to know the game.
On Wednesday Jedi was taken to a pond where he was let loose and the owner started to demand him to search. For a while the owner was not sure what did Jedi go to find but he waited. Soon there was a duck and Jedi after it. The owner shot the duck which dropped 20m from the shore and he managed to demand Jedi to go and get the duck. Jedi got the duck and brought it directly to the owner.
This morning Jedi drove a duck up, the owner shot the duck, Jedi retrieved it by swimming it from a lake and brought the duck to an owner.
I have to say isn't that amazing!! Very proud indeed of this amazing dog I truly am. As Risto said " Absolutely amazing thing done by soon only 11months old dog who now had his first touch to the game.